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Creating Multilingual Guest Experience in the Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is a profit-making business, with a large number of people traveling and holidaying in foreign countries. Businesses in the hospitality industry can make huge money, if they really invest in providing a nice, comfortable, and seamless customer experience. Hospitality businesses have to create an optimized experience and accommodate people coming from different parts of the world the best way they can.

Translations play a significant role in determining the overall customer experience in the hospitality business. It makes people coming from non-English speaking countries easily comprehend customer instructions, websites, menu cards, etc. This article will talk about the significance of translation and localization in the hospitality industry and how the latest translation technology can be helpful in this matter.

Significance of Multilingual Guest Experience 

Encourage Diversity 

Translating your website, apps, and other hotel instructions and guidelines for travelers helps you attract more customers. Hospitality businesses that embrace diversity are able to build trust in their customers; they will keep returning to them. It offers a personalized experience to all your customers and increases their level of satisfaction while traveling abroad.

Optimize Customer Experience 

Translation and localization project management may seem daunting to hospitality businesses. But it is really crucial for creating a nice customer experience. The competition is becoming intense in the hospitality industry because there are too many options around for your target customers to choose from. When you invest in translations and localization,it makesbusinesses beat the competition and create better experiences.

Better Customer Service

What about hiring a multilingual staff and customer support team? Well, it can actually take your hospitality business to the next level. It is true that localization management is challenging, but the results you get out of it are worth all the hassle. For hotel bookings and customer info, you must appoint a multilingual customer support team to guide diverse tourists. It will also help you improve your customer service and increase your customer retention rate.

Build Trust and Loyalty 

If you really care about the customers and personalize their overall experience, they will definitely stay loyal to you and trust your services. Your customers are less likely to feel confused while reading the customer guides or service menus. The translated content is easier for your customers to read and comprehend fully, thus elevating their overall travel experience with you.

Increased Revenue 

Professional translation improves your customer experience, builds trust, and helps them retain more customers, which leads to better profit margins and high revenue. Hospitality businesses need to overcome the linguistic barriers to unleash their true potential. If the majority of tourists are unable to comprehend the information available as guides, instructions, and menus, they’ll have issues with finding their rooms, ordering food, and navigating through the hotels.

Translations help in increasing your customer’s satisfaction; they’ll leave positive reviews and recommend you to their friends and family.

How Can the Hospitality Industry Benefit from Translation Tools and Technology?

By using the latest technology and tools, you can effectively go about your translation and localization operations. Let’s find out how a professional localization management platform supports hospitality businesses in seamlessly carrying out their translations and localization operations.

Seamless Translation Project Management

A professional translation management tool will help businesses streamline their translation operations. They can customize their workflows and handle translation in a well-organized manner. These tools allow you to work on different localization and translation tasks simultaneously. It’s like a one-stop management platform that provides you with all the tools and features to manage complicated translation processes.

Quick Translation Turnaround Time 

Managing high volumes of translations is super easy and convenient with TMS tools because they come with built-in automated MT engines. Translators can adopt machine translation post-editing techniques to speed up their enterprise translation management and handle more work in the quickest turnaround. It supports the translators in excessive workload management and also cuts down the translation cost.

Fast Editing and QA Testing 

With in-built translation editors and quality assurance tools, it becomes very easy and agile to proofread and edit the translated documents. Automated QA tools in your TMS detect the errors in your content and highlight them so you can eliminate the errors in time. It also saves the time and effort of your editors and proofreaders.

Effective Stakeholder Management 

The most difficult part is to manage your project teams, especially when they are working at remote locations. A TMS platform helps with team collaboration and effective stakeholder management all from one place. Project managers can monitor the activities of translators, editors, designers, and third-party language service provider. It also allows them to make a better judgment about the overall progress of the translation project.

Better Resource Management

With a professional localization management platform, you have everything under your control. You can better manage your resources and allocate them to authorized members effortlessly. It prevents resource wastage and helps you save money. Moreover, project managers can have a bird’s eye view of how the resources are being used or if there is any resource exploitation happening on the team’s end.


In the hospitality industry, you can multiply your revenue by investing in translation and localization of your services. You must invest in advanced TMS technology to make things go smoothly. MarsHub is a reliable and professional TMS that comes with amazing features to help you get away with localization project management challenges.

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